Design to me ...

Design covers all aspects of life. It is problem solving and creating; it is something that has an effect on everything. Spatial design influences people’s feelings, moods and much more. It connects to everything in some small way. Connections are what create concepts. They provide links to design something new and unique. They provide influences and this in turn develops into inspiration for better things.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Intial sketches towards final project.

This post and the ones that follow show images, sketches of my initial and continuing development for my final project at university. The idea for this project is to design a new shopping experience. A way in which consumers can experience a shopping market but in a new and different way. It can provide an opportunity to shop in a sustainable way. My concept also consists of providing an event within this market so that it has another purpose besides shopping. It can provide a service as well as the shopping aspect. My intention is that my design will be clusters of different pods with a theme in mind. One example I have chosen to use is the theme of fashion. The pods in this cluster would consist of a designer fashion pod, a student fashion designer, a tailor service, an accessory and jewellery pod, a stylist service and a shoe pod. All of these would provide the consumer to achieve one look from one cluster. With regard to the event part of my design. The fashion cluster would have a fashion catwalk which would advertise the items and services that would be sold in the cluster. It also can be used as a means of advertisement for the cluster as well. Here are some initial sketches ideas towards my project.

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