Design to me ...

Design covers all aspects of life. It is problem solving and creating; it is something that has an effect on everything. Spatial design influences people’s feelings, moods and much more. It connects to everything in some small way. Connections are what create concepts. They provide links to design something new and unique. They provide influences and this in turn develops into inspiration for better things.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010


I am currently working through my dissertation research. My working title is: How sustainable and eco friendly trends link with consumerism especially in connection with the home and lifestyle? The idea is to show how buy shopping (consuming) we are ruining our planet and being unsustainable. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Some questions that I am looking to be answered are:

If the option was available to buy more sustainable products would you take that choice?

Are people buying less and reusing more to be more sustainable?

Would swapping furniture between friends and family be an option instead of buying new?

What do you believe to be the best way to approach sustainable shopping for the home?

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